Overall, the members of the book club found it to be a good read, with an insightful treatment of mental illness, but they were unconvinced by the romances among the characters. Was this a case of the author trying to subvert a genre or simply not succeeding in writing within a genre? Pick up the book and decide for yourself!
Quotes from book club members:
"The book felt disjointed."
"I loved it...especially the way he wrote Leonard's battle with depression."
"Madeleine was passive and blah."
"I thought Madeleine came across as shallow."
"I felt like Madeleine's character arc only began at the very end of the book."
"The portrayal of mental illness was absolutely realistic."
"I thought it was brave to write Mitchell's character having a hard time working among the poor."
Next month's book will be Astray by Emma Donoghue - book club will meet on the 16th of December at 6:30PM.