Feel that humidity? It can only mean on thing - SUMMER IS ON THE WAY! We've got a great line-up of programs coming to our (air-conditioned) library, here's a sneak peek at what you can expect:
Summer Concert Series
All summer concerts will be held at 6:30PM on the front lawn of the library.
JUNE 25TH - Vini Ames & Sh-Bop (Jazz, Pop, and R&B.)
JULY 9TH - Joe's Backyard Band (Festival Music)
JULY 16TH - The Jesse Liam Band (Pop, Rock, Acoustic, and Country)
JULY 23RD - PM Music with Maceo E.
JULY 30TH - Illusions Band (Covers)
AUGUST 6TH - Rockin' Soul Horns (Party Band)
The Seed Library
Our Seed Library proudly kicked off its second year. We have a variety of seeds available and will continue to provide seeds throughout the summer. Some of the varieties available include:
Spaghetti Squash
AUGUST 6TH - There will be a program for patrons interested in Basic Vegetable Growing, given by Bill Baddeley and Annemarie Bruun, two experienced local gardeners, the program will begin at 6:30PM.
Farmer's Market
JUNE 13TH - The Pawtuxet Village Farmers' Market will be meeting on the back lawn of the library between 9AM and 12PM.
Rhode Island Civil War Roundtable
JUNE 17TH - Sarah Goldberger of the Community College of Rhode Island will be speaking about Yorktown and the 1862 Peninsula Campaign, the program will begin at 6:00PM.
Poetry Reading
JUNE 27TH - The Poetry Loft will present an afternoon of poetry reading and book signing with poets Ira Schaeffer and Professor Jane Lunin Perel, this program will begin at 3:00PM.
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