1, 2, 3, Play with Me! This storytime is intended for children ages 3 and under to attend with an adult caregiver. The program runs from 11AM-12PM every Thursday morning. During this time the library itself is closed, so participants must enter via the back door from the parking lot. The first half hour of the program is focused on play, with rhymes, songs, and a story offered during the second half hour. This program will begin on January 21st.
Minecraft Club This program is open to children in grades 4-8, it is a Minecraft play session intended for experienced Minecraft users who can either play together in a world or separately on their own adventure. The program is offered on the first Thursday of the month from 3PM-4PM. This program will begin on February 4th.
Blind Date with a Book This daring reading contest will be open to teens (ages 12-18), during the month of February. A number of wrapped books will be available for check-out, but you won't know what they are! Take a chance on a book, fill out a short survey and return both the book and the survey to the library before the month is over to be entered in a raffle and win a prize. This program will begin on February 1st.
For information on any of these programs, call 781-2450 or email epetrarca@cranstonlibrary.org.